Monday, 22 December 2008

Christmas Again.

Yesterday I wrote how I haven't bought anything for anyone yet; now I have, exept from my Dad. But tomorrow I will be going into Bath to visit my Nanny and we always go shopping. (especially a few hours in Marks and Spencers-yawn) This year to save money, my family is getting one big present from the rest of the family and one or two small things.

Merry Christmas everyone! (and a happy new year)

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Year Six

Today was my first day in year six.
I go to Longlevens Junior School, and my new teacher is called Miss Brunner, who I really like so
this year is going to be good!we are learning about all sorts of things including World War Two. I
cant wait for PGL at Kingswood because we go absailing, sailing..... ......and a lot more. I will write more when i get further into the year. Please post a comment! :)

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

A holiday in Dorset

Every year my family and I go on holiday, always to the beach (though we once went to Disney land) last holiday was Tenby and the time before was somewhere in Scotland. This year was Dorset and I have never been there before. I really enjoyed it and want to go again! We arrived (I dont know when) and settled into our holiday house (I dont know its name) We didn't do much on the first day just settlind down and a hour or 2 at Lulworth cove, but my favourite day was when we went to Man of War, wich is named after a boat. It was a beautiful place. It had pretty pebbles and a see through shiny sea, where you would always see fish swimming with you. I had two ways to have fun there, 1) jump off a rock or explore itsrockpools (and it even had a warm mini sea on it) and 2) swimming in the waves whilst they pushed me along. thos ideas of fun gave me my best and worst 5 seconds of my life. My best was jumping of the rock, with the sun in my face,fish beneath me and knowing there was a soft landing. My worst was when I was swimming in the sea a wave came and pushed me under. All I see was water, all I could breath in was was water and all i could hear was water. No one believed me that I could have died drowning though. I love Dorset and I wish I could go there for a week every year in the summer holidays, camping right next to Man of war.
